Dyspraxia: Quick Tips for Tutors

learning to ride a bike is hard if you're dyspraxic

What Does Dyspraxia Look Like? Dyspraxia comes from “praxis,” a Greek word describing the learned ability to plan and to carry out coordinated movements. Add “dys,” the Greek prefix meaning “bad,” and you get dyspraxia. It literally means bad sequential coordination. Dyspraxia looks like clumsiness, klutziness, and failure to think ahead. Recognizing Dyspraxia in Children […]

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Help! My Smart Kid is Flunking Third Grade!

The Third Grade Wall I’m a dyslexia tutor. I get most of my new students around third grade. Why? Because they hit the “third-grade wall.” The wall refers to what happens to bright curious kids with dyslexia when the learn-to-read stage of school ends and the read-to-learn expectations start. The wall shuts them out of […]

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Multiplication Facts and Sword Play

Adult and child in play sword fight

Multiplication Facts Should Not Be Scary Math seems to be the universal “scary” subject. Many students assume that math must be painful: after all, dreading math is so common it’s practically clichéd. In the case of K-5 addition and multiplication facts boredom and loss of focus can be issues. Sword fighting can avoid painful math […]

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