4 Essentials for Teaching a Dyslexic Child to Read

Father reading to son

Reading Equals Academic Success Reading success means academic success. So, parents and teachers feel fear and frustration when a child seems unable to learn to read in spite of being bright, inquisitive, and having a great teacher. This situation generally indicates dyslexia. Dyslexia just means “doesn’t learn to read despite normal intelligence and education.” Dyslexic […]

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Dyspraxia: Quick Tips for Tutors

learning to ride a bike is hard if you're dyspraxic

What Does Dyspraxia Look Like? Dyspraxia comes from “praxis,” a Greek word describing the learned ability to plan and to carry out coordinated movements. Add “dys,” the Greek prefix meaning “bad,” and you get dyspraxia. It literally means bad sequential coordination. Dyspraxia looks like clumsiness, klutziness, and failure to think ahead. Recognizing Dyspraxia in Children […]

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