Unschooling Vocabulary

Father reading to son

School and Education aren’t the Same Thing Unschooling doesn’t mean no education; it just means no school. The unschoolers I know put in significant time and effort providing education by asking and answering questions, finding resources, connecting kids with mentors, traveling, supporting passions, etc. Despite all this great parenting, it can be hard to justify […]

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The Homework Myth, by Alfie Kohn — A DTK Book Review

Alfie Kohn, author

Alfie Kohn Loves Research! Alfie Kohn (@alfiekohn) has a gift for analyzing research and pulling out practical applications for educators and parents. I’ve been impressed with every book of his I’ve read, so I came to The Homework Myth: Why our kids get too much of a bad thing with high expectations. It didn’t disappoint. […]

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Who Sold a Story?

Teacher with students in reading group

Sold a Story is important I’ve just finished listening to all six episodes of Emily Hanford’s masterful podcast, Sold a Story. Should educators and concerned parents listen? Yes. Should they take it as gospel truth? No! Keep reading… Children have been harmed! Hanford is a talented and courageous journalist. I am grateful to her for […]

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How Tony Learned to Read: A DTK Book Review

Judge this book by its cover, not by its fonts Opening How Tony Learned to Read: Growing Up Dyslexic, by Tony and Judy Fishel, was a bit of a shock. I was confronted with some paragraphs in large print Comic Sans. It was stunning since I expected another sober case study by a dyslexia researcher. […]

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School Choice Includes Public School

public school girl at computer

Celebrate School Choice, Including Public School It seems obvious that children, parents, and communities need a variety of educational choices. After all, children and families encounter different needs at different times. Real choice means an opportunity for any child to be unschooled, homeschooled, or attend a private school, traditional public school, or charter school. Trash […]

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Dyslexia Tool Kit Expanded Edition Now Available!

Dyslexia Tool Kit Expanded Edition Cover Image

Expanded Edition Dyslexia Tool Kit Expanded Edition: What to do when phonics isn’t enough, published April 2021, replaces the first edition and costs less! The book is available on Amazon as an ebook or paperback.  Dyslexia Tool Kit Expanded Edition includes three new chapters. The new version also answers questions posed by readers of the […]

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