It’s Never Too Late to Help Students with Dyslexia

Cover: Never Too Late, Leveraging Technology to Support high school readers with dyslexia

Never Too Late Will be Published in April 2025 Never Too Late: Leveraging Technology to Support High School Readers with Dyslexia (2025), by Yvonna Graham and Victoria Francis, will be published by Solution Tree in April 2025. It’s available for pre-order now. This excites me, since I’m a co-author. More importantly, Vicki and I spent […]

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Audio-Assisted Reading for Dyslexia: What the research says

high school student using headphones to do audio-assisted reading

Does Audio-Assisted Reading Help Dyslexic Students? Audio-assisted reading refers to reading text silently while hearing it read aloud. Hearing and seeing the words at the same time is the key. Research on audio-assisted reading shows widely different results. Some research shows that audio-assisted reading does not improve comprehension or retention of information by dyslexic students. […]

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After Phonics, Take One More Step for Dyslexia

Grandmother reading while child tracks along

Reading Wars are Pointless After thirty-five years of teaching reading, I can absolutely say we need to quit fighting over which method is “the science of reading” or “research-based.” Information on reading outcomes for every imaginable method is available if you care to read it. I have. I actually enjoy reading dissertations and meta-studies. Weird, […]

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Tracking: Why Dyslexic Readers Need Audiobooks

boy in wheelchair tracking reading on ipad

What is Tracking? In reading instruction, tracking refers to readers watching the words on the page while someone else says them aloud. This can be done in person or with an audiobook. Audiobooks provide students with more independence and more reading time than most parents or teachers can spare. I recommend using both and responding […]

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How Tony Learned to Read: A DTK Book Review

Judge this book by its cover, not by its fonts Opening How Tony Learned to Read: Growing Up Dyslexic, by Tony and Judy Fishel, was a bit of a shock. I was confronted with some paragraphs in large print Comic Sans. It was stunning since I expected another sober case study by a dyslexia researcher. […]

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4 Essentials for Teaching a Dyslexic Child to Read

Father reading to son

Reading Equals Academic Success Reading success means academic success. So, parents and teachers feel fear and frustration when a child seems unable to learn to read in spite of being bright, inquisitive, and having a great teacher. This situation generally indicates dyslexia. Dyslexia just means “doesn’t learn to read despite normal intelligence and education.” Dyslexic […]

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Four Reasons to Homeschool a Dyslexic Child and One Reason Not to

Homeschooling a dyslexic child

Should I Homeschool My Dyslexic Child? Are you wondering if homeschooling your dyslexic child is a good idea or the worst idea you’ve had this decade? In this post, I cover four great reasons to consider homeschooling as an educational option, and one overpowering reason not to.  Here’s what I cover in this post. Experts […]

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Help! My Smart Kid is Flunking Third Grade!

The Third Grade Wall I’m a dyslexia tutor. I get most of my new students around third grade. Why? Because they hit the “third-grade wall.” The wall refers to what happens to bright curious kids with dyslexia when the learn-to-read stage of school ends and the read-to-learn expectations start. The wall shuts them out of […]

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Reviewed: Listen and Read Along (LARA)

What is LARA? Listen and Read Along (LARA) proves to be an outstanding tool for teaching reading. LARA is a collection of YouTube videos consisting of text on a screen, with words highlighted as a reader says them. As a reading tutor, specializing in dyslexia, I find older students happy to read things with substance. […]

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Dyslexia Instruction: More than multi-sensory phonics

Talk About Dyslexia A huge mastodon stomps around in the dyslexia education living room. Schools in the United States have done a surprisingly poor job of addressing it. Even though about 15% of students are dyslexic, dyslexia accommodation isn’t part of the regular classroom. Instead, students with the lowest reading scores are pulled out into […]

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