Why Students with Dyslexia Should Learn Keyboarding

High School student at computer

Keyboarding is as Important as Handwriting Keyboarding means typing correctly, using the same finger stroke for the same letter every time. This allows a student to put thoughts onto the computer, and this opens opportunities for endless tools and accommodations. All students benefit from learning keyboarding, but dyslexic students stand to gain the most. Keyboarding […]

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The Dyslexic Advantage Revised and Updated: A DTK Book Review

The Dyslexic Advantage (Revised and Updated)

DYSLEXIA: SEA OF STRENGTHS I first reviewed this powerhouse of information back in 2017. So why did I buy the 2023 Revised and Updated edition? Because A LOT has happened in dyslexia research in the past few years, and the Eide’s are in the thick of it. This book is, without doubt, one of the […]

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Overcoming Dyslexia, by Sally Shaywitz, M.D.: Book Review

Book Review: Overcoming Dyslexia, by Sally Shaywitz   WHY SOME PEOPLE CAN’T READ In Overcoming Dyslexia: A New and Complete Science-Based Program for Reading Problems at Any Level, Dr. Shaywitz does an outstanding job of describing dyslexia: “…seemingly diverse symptoms — trouble reading, absolute terror of reading aloud, problems spelling, difficulties finding the right word, mispronouncing […]

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Multiplication Facts and Sword Play

Adult and child in play sword fight

Multiplication Facts Should Not Be Scary Math seems to be the universal “scary” subject. Many students assume that math must be painful: after all, dreading math is so common it’s practically clichéd. In the case of K-5 addition and multiplication facts boredom and loss of focus can be issues. Sword fighting can avoid painful math […]

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