Homeschool Science for a Student with Dyslexia

Child cooking

A Parent Asks: How Can I Teach Science for My Child with Dyslexia? Homeschool science provides a great opportunity for parents and kids to explore together. In the present pandemic, teachers are doing heroic work, providing materials for parents to use with kids. However, these are by no means “required.” Grading and testing have been […]

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Music and Dyslexia

Music Training Matters Music training means learning to play an instrument or sing, employing as many senses as possible — fingering the instrument, hearing pitches, seeing the score, feeling the rhythm, moving to the beat. Recent research shows that music education pays off for reading instruction as well! Music in Dyslexia Education Research Around 2003, […]

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Grading Creates Behavior Disorders

Grading is not necessary for learning Although grades almost define schooling over the last 75 years or so, grades do not enhance learning. Grading does not produce more educated students. In fact, the reverse is true. This is not new knowledge! Alfie Kohn’s book, Punished by Rewards, laid out the research showing that grades degrade […]

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Language Delay: How to Help a Student

Language Delay Hampers Classroom Success A language delay can seriously impact success in the classroom. This negatively affects the student’s self-esteem and desire to participate. The causes of language delay vary; dyslexia/dyspraxia, autism, second language, premature birth, language deficient home environment, speech problem, hearing problem, and others. Whatever the cause, teachers and parents hold the […]

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Teaching Spelling: Quick Tips

Child at blackboard doing spelling task

Teaching spelling isn’t about phonics so much Teaching spelling frustrates both teachers and students. Spelling troubles many students, because learning rules of phonics and applying them guarantees they will miss most of their spelling words when tested. Phonics is helpful for early reading; it can’t be trusted for spelling because English spelling is based more […]

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When Oral Reading Comes Hard

Mom reading with daughter

Oral Reading Should NEVER be Required! Forcing a student into oral reading, especially in front of peers, attaches a huge load of negative emotion to reading. As a tutor, I spend as much time overcoming “reading PTSD” as I do teaching the skills. How Izzy Overcame her Reading Block Izzy is dyslexic and she stutters. […]

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Rummy Roots: A DTK Game Review

Powerhouse Vocabulary Builder In 25 years as a reading tutor, one vocabulary-building tool stands out above all the others: Rummy Roots. It’s not fancy — just six decks of cards. The first three come together as Rummy Roots and the second three are sold as More Roots. The package comes with instructions for several games, […]

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4 Essentials for Teaching a Dyslexic Child to Read

Father reading to son

Reading Equals Academic Success Reading success means academic success. So, parents and teachers feel fear and frustration when a child seems unable to learn to read in spite of being bright, inquisitive, and having a great teacher. This situation generally indicates dyslexia. Dyslexia just means “doesn’t learn to read despite normal intelligence and education.” Dyslexic […]

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Four Reasons to Homeschool a Dyslexic Child and One Reason Not to

Homeschooling a dyslexic child

Should I Homeschool My Dyslexic Child? Are you wondering if homeschooling your dyslexic child is a good idea or the worst idea you’ve had this decade? In this post, I cover four great reasons to consider homeschooling as an educational option, and one overpowering reason not to.  Here’s what I cover in this post. Experts […]

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