Who Sold a Story?

Teacher with students in reading group

Sold a Story is important I’ve just finished listening to all six episodes of Emily Hanford’s masterful podcast, Sold a Story. Should educators and concerned parents listen? Yes. Should they take it as gospel truth? No! Keep reading… Children have been harmed! Hanford is a talented and courageous journalist. I am grateful to her for […]

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Peer-Assisted Learning: A DTK Book Review

two high school students doing peer-assisted learning

Kids Teaching Kids I came across this great teaching resource on peer-assisted learning in a podcast by Dr. Sam Bommarito. The book is available in both the UK and US. Peer Assisted Learning: A Practical Guide for Teachersby Keith ToppingCambridge, MA: Brookline Books (2000) What is Peer-Assisted Learning? Topping defines peer-assisted learning as the “acquisition of knowledge […]

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Homeschool for Free with a Library Card

Kid on library floor reading

A Library is a One-Stop Shop Public libraries are just the coolest idea ever! Thanks, Ben Franklin! There’s really no need to spend piles of money on curriculum for your homeschool. Let’s face it, curriculum is for teachers, so they can feel sure they’ve covered specific topics. It’s not for kids and doesn’t improve their […]

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Phonics and Word Identification: A DTK Book Review

Dr. Andy Johnson, author of Phonics and Word Recognition of Phonics and Word

A DTK Book Review: Phonics and Word Identification Skills — Strategies for Teachers and Parents, by Andy Johnson, PhD Phonics is Not the Same as Reading Dr. Johnson serves as Professor of Literacy and Distinguished Faculty Scholar at Minnesota State University, Mankato. His work currently focuses on research-based teaching strategies for students with reading difficulties. […]

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After Phonics, Take One More Step for Dyslexia

Grandmother reading while child tracks along

Reading Wars are Pointless After thirty-five years of teaching reading, I can absolutely say we need to quit fighting over which method is “the science of reading” or “research-based.” Information on reading outcomes for every imaginable method is available if you care to read it. I have. I actually enjoy reading dissertations and meta-studies. Weird, […]

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Tracking: Why Dyslexic Readers Need Audiobooks

boy in wheelchair tracking reading on ipad

What is Tracking? In reading instruction, tracking refers to readers watching the words on the page while someone else says them aloud. This can be done in person or with an audiobook. Audiobooks provide students with more independence and more reading time than most parents or teachers can spare. I recommend using both and responding […]

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