What Does New Research in Visual Asymmetry Mean for Dyslexia Tutors?

Tutor with child

Visual Asymmetry Dyslexia Research I am a dyslexia tutor. My daughter and I co-authored Dyslexia Tool Kit Expanded Edition: What to do when phonics isn’t enough. I love teaching dyslexic students to read! And I loved reading about the recent dyslexia research on visual asymmetry.  Left-right Asymmetry of the Maxwell Spot Centroids in Adults without and […]

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Non-Readers: What Can a High School Teacher Do?

High School student at computer

The Problem: High School Students Who Can’t Read These students sit in the back of every classroom, zoning out or mouthing off. They hide a secret and do whatever it takes to keep it under wraps. They can’t read. The Teacher’s Dilemma: No Training, No Time for Non-Readers High School teachers are neither trained nor […]

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Fire Up Dyslexic Reading: Use Kindle Fire for Tracking

Kindle Fire + Dyslexia The new version of the Kindle Fire tablet comes with Immersion Reading. “Fire tablets can synchronize Kindle text with companion Audible audiobooks with real-time highlighting to create a more immersive reading experience, as well as deepen learning and comprehension. More than 60,000 Kindle books and companion Audible audiobooks are available across […]

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Choosing a School for Your Child

Child walking up to a school

How to Choose a School How can you choose a good school? Clear research exists on which indicators are most important. Here’s the quick list, with details below. School size Teacher/student ratio Parent Participation Appropriate accommodations for students with special needs School Size is Most Important First find out how many students attend the school. […]

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Twice-Exceptional Students: What Do They Need?

Every Child is Exceptional As parents and teachers know, every child exhibits both gifts and challenges! Average children do not exist. Each brain brings unique talents to the planet. Together, we are far, far more than we are individually. So, a label such as twice-exceptional can be confusing. But, in a school setting, “twice-exceptional” indicates […]

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Book Review: Why Tyrannosaurus But Not If?

Author Richard Whitehead Richard Whitehead facilitates the Davis Dyslexia Method at his center in the UK. His articles impressed me over the past few years. I share his admiration for Ron Davis’s pioneering dyslexia research. So, when he recently published a dyslexia book, Why ‘Tyrannosaurus’ But Not ‘If’?: The Dyslexic Blueprint for the Future of […]

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Silent Reading Instead of Oral Reading: Overlooked Teaching Technique

Children reading silently

What if oral reading is not an option? Mom’s eyes glistened with tears as she spoke with me. Six-year-old Johnny watched me carefully. His face revealed hope, worry, and intense curiosity. They came to me because they’d heard I “could teach anyone to read.” “We enrolled Johnny in the best private school in town, knowing […]

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Increase Reading Speed and Comprehension with Scanning

Mom reading with daughter

What is Scanning? Scanning means finding words in the text by quickly glancing at each line or paragraph. Students with dyslexia or other reading difficulties find scanning less intimidating than oral reading, and it accomplishes the goal of pairing the visual image of the printed words with the meaning of the words, in context. Dyslexic […]

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