Dr. Alta Graham
“At the end of first grade I couldn’t write my name. I couldn’t read the alphabet. The school counselor said I was ‘uneducable’ due to extreme dyslexia and dysgraphia, but could be taught to wipe tables with 12 years of training. She recommended a special school for children who could not be mainstreamed. I spent a lot of time under desks and tables trying to hide from the world.” — Dr. Alta Graham, www.consultingcomposer.com

Yvonna Graham, M.Ed.
“I was a desperate mom of a dyslexic student. I tried everything the school told me to do, with no results other than frustration and tears. Research abounded on dyslexia, but I found nothing practical that helped my daughter. Going back to school, I obtained a master’s degree in special education, focused on twice-exceptional students. Alta not only learned to read, but achieved a doctorate in music, and a master’s in computer science. We wrote Dyslexia Tool Kit together. — Yvonna Graham, M.Ed.
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Short videos on each tool in the book can be found on youtube.com/@yvonnagraham